I’m Jenn Brooks and I’m a yoga practitioner and educator on a quest to build a more loving and peace-driven world. I believe this starts at the grassroots level in community and by cultivating belonging.
For more than a decade as an experienced restorative yoga teacher, I have been sharing peace practices designed to help the collective nervous system (and individual nervous systems) find safety and access the highly sought after relaxation response as to better regulate mental, emotional and physical health.
As an educator, I create and facilitate workshops, retreats and trainings for Holistic Lifestyle Practices that give you an opportunity dive in deeper to understanding the underpinnings of these eastern teachings and how they relate to your essential nature.
I also offer personalized 1:1 guidance to help you get unstuck from recurring patterns and cycles and see from a wider lens so that you feel more at ease and can move more gracefully in Our World, just by being Wholly You. When we meet and align with our essential nature and begin the journey of moving it to the foreground of our lived life, we feel content, at peace and of value – regardless of how big or small our part to play is.
I do this because I know that the more of us who are living from our own clarity and wisdom, the more loving and peaceful our world becomes.
More than 95% of my education and training has been received in the real-time and/or in the live presence of teachers, through a transparent, open and loving relationship.
In this day and age of online certifications and fast-food study, I'm honored to share the breadth and depth of my studies with these beloved souls. I'm also deeply humbled to have been graced by their gifts of wisdom and knowledge which has been passed down through other wisdom sharers for eons.
I strive to be a through-line of this wisdom to those who cross my path.
About The Yoga Sanctuary:
This is our sanctuary for restorative practices.
As such, I share with you my values:
Yoga practice is for all bodies and I aim to make the classes I share assessible for most everyone.
I aim to build community and a sense of belongingness.
I create a safe environment for you to find your own inner sanctuary residing in the heart of your heart.
Yoga comprises more than our physical body. I acknowledge and aim to offer classes and workshops that support restoring balance in the astral/subtle body of vitality and energy as well as the causal body of higher mind, karma and soul self.
Welcome home.
Yogic Arts
A student of Hatha Yoga since the 2012, I attended the Yoga Teacher Training and Self Study Program with Anna Pittman, Ph.D. with The Breathing Space in Blacksburg, Virginia. Additionally I trained with Anna in Advanced Teacher Training in 2013-2014, completing the requirements to become a RYT-500 (Registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance).
A forever-student, I've studied with and been deeply inspired by great modern-day master teachers of yoga in depth, through retreats or specialty trainings, including:
Indu Arora, Ayurveda and Yoga Therapist, Yoga Nidra Level 1, Enhanced Yoga Nidra, Marmas, Samkhya Philosophy
Judith Hanson Lasater, Ph.D., the mother of modern day restorative yoga
Angela Farmer, the mother of modern day post-lineage yoga, feminine form, autonomy and trauma informed yoga (she also invented the yoga mat back in the day)
Jillian Pransky, Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
Chanti Tacoronti-Perez, Ph.D., Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
And countless others, including Erich Schiffmann, Donna Farhi, Tracee Stanley among some of my favorite teachers.
Healing Arts and Holistic Wellbeing Guidance
Elemental Rhythm Breathwork Facilitator, with Lisa Mort as the trainer. I decided to add a more accessible modality to my portfolio to be able to attend and assist my community that is not oriented to the ancient eastern language of yoga philosophy and practices.
Reiki & All Love Sekhem, Energy Healing modalities. At the end of the day, I align with The Nameless Source Energy for the Highest Good of All, supported by my benevolent guides, allies and ancestors. I'm a continual student of learning how to be a channel for life force energy to flow freely through this body for myself and the benefit of others in my life. Some of my teachers have been: Bodhi Deva Ma (Jennifer Williams), Anna Pittman, Patrick Zeigler and Mary Jo Perdue.
Ayurvedic Wellness Coach, The Shakti School lead by Katie Silcox. This certification program is based on the principle that it’s possible to deeply heal yourself and up-level your impact on your community, sharing your deepest heart’s passion.
Meditation/Consciousness Studies
Transparency Coaching Program Level 1 & 2, created and facilitated by Anna Pittman, Ph.D. 2016-2017 This program was designed to show and bring a way of being that moves the practitioner from thinking to feeling, from experiencing fear anxiety and worry as a default setting in their nervous system to rest and digest, and a capacity to live from the heart with discernment and choice. All my offerings have this foundation at the root level.
Jeffery Martin, PhD. Dr. Martin is the author of The Finders, and director of the Center for the Study of Non-Symbolic Consciousness, one of the world’s leading research organizations dedicated to the rigorous scientific study of the highest forms of human wellbeing, referred to as enlightenment, nonduality, persistent mystical experience, unitive consciousness, the peace that passeth understanding, etc.
I have participated in many of Dr. Martin’s course offerings, including his Mentors and Partners Program in 2022, and am trained to assist others in the transition to a state of Fundamental Wellbeing, or optimization and deepening into Fundamental Wellbeing.
Vedic Astrology, Astrocartography
More info coming.
Thank you for getting in touch!
I will get back to you shortly.
Have a great day!